
Aramadia Projects


Featured Project

Mandelbrot Set - Created January 2007

Projects Under Construction: Stay Tuned

Deadly Chess - Created November 2006

Chess with AI

Sudoku Solver

Checkers AI

Java Deadly Creations Game Engine

VB.NET Multi-Aim Game Engine

Flashcards Program

3D Direct-X Pathfinding Maze


September 24, 2007 - Added Tutorial.

May 30, 2007 - Yes I am still alive. I believe I am the only person who even looks at this website. I decided to make it a portfolio for universities and for myself. Anyways, I have 3 weeks left of school then I will complete this website. Something really exciting is happening, I have finally developed a working physics engine that uses RK4. Right now it is simply unbelievable - I can make bridges, push trains across and have my bridges slowly come apart (like Bridge Builder). Fantastic!

January 24, 2007 - Deadly Chess project is now online. Includes solution to search instability caused by transposition tables.

January 20, 2007 - This website is created. Yay

This website is still under construction. Start date - January 20, 2007. Last Update - September 30, 2007